Sunday, February 17, 2013

Windy and cool

 I guess I shouldn't complain but yesterday was cool in the high 60's and very windy. We went to the beach with the metal detector to try our luck. Grand haul one very weathered penny some bottle caps, pop tops and a nail in a blog of what looks like melted lead. I haven't figured that one out yet.
By the time we left to go home for lunch there was a hole in the sand under the Jeep caused by the wind going under the car. I should have stopped and taken a picture of it. At least we didn't get stuck in it.

After lunch we were scheduled between 2 and 3 to get the motor home washed and waxed. I had it done by the same outfit two years ago and they did a fantastic job of hand wash and hand wax for $140.00. Try to get that in Massachusetts. He called all apoligitec at 2:30 and said they were running behind and could he come tomorrow. I agreed, I would rather have them fresh in the morning than rushing to finish late in the day.

It was off to Happy Hour at five. We went to the bay side of the island for the sunset at a place called BOB "bar on the bay" Thank goodness the wind had died down or it would have been chilly sitting outside. They had a live band and we were treated to a great sunset.

Once the sun went down it got cold and we headed to the Hilton to get supper and enjoy the live entertainment they have. We both got the hand made 1/2 pound cheeseburger with fries $5.98. Such a deal, it isn't worth cooking at home and did I mention the drinks are $3.00 all day and night.

The cleaning crew should be here shortly. Later............

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